Gillian Strange-Dell, is a Registered Psychotherapist working with a diverse client base, but specializes in adults with anxiety; a history of physical or sexual abuse; and Highly Sensitive Personality type. Other issues worked with in her general practice include depression, insomnia, eating disorders, anger management, workplace or parental stress, grief and relationship difficulties. She has a client-centred, holistic view that treats each person as a whole, mind and body. As a result, she uses bodywork in her practice in the form of visualizations, meditation, and light touch massage for emotional relaxation. Where we feel pain and distress in the mind we also hold that feeling in the body. Working with each client respectfully from their basic needs is the goal of every session.
**UPCOMING WORKSHOPS**: Highly Sensitive Personality Saturday March 4, 2017, 10am-11:30am;
Meditation sessions: March 4 & 25th, 2017, 9am;
4 week meditation class beginning April 22, 2017, 9ammore...See more text