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Business listings in Parksville maintains comprehensive contact listings for in and around the Parksville, British-Columbia region. With the most comprehensive listings of categories found in Canada, Yellow Pages gets you connected. If you live around Parksville, find new user-reviewed businesses by your home, with .
Wedding season is just around the corner, which means us brides-to-be are dreaming about beautiful gowns and accessories for the big day. If you’re on the hunt for romantic jewellery, formal footwear, stylish hairpieces and more bridal accessories to complete your wedding look, pay a visit to these Vancouver shops.
There’s clean, and then there’s CLEAN. When you want to buff, polish, and wipe away dirt and grime from your home, it makes sense to go green with environmentally safe cleaning supplies. Freshen up your space with eco-friendly household products from these Vancouver shops.
Mother's Day is the one day of the year dedicated solely to Moms; it’s a day to show them exactly how much we love and appreciate them. Whether you choose to spoil your special lady with lavish gifts, tasty treats or an afternoon spent together, it's the thought that counts. We’ve come up with a list of lovely stores in Vancouver where you can find Mother’s Day gifts that are sure to be a hit. [Photo courtesy of The Cross]