If you've lost your sense of taste, there could be a simple solution to bring your taste buds back to life. Know the five possible causes of taste loss.
October 24, 2014
If you've lost your sense of taste, there could be a simple solution to bring your taste buds back to life. Know the five possible causes of taste loss.
When people lose the ability to taste, they may become disinclined to eat as much as they should because the food isn't as appealing.
Here are the main causes of taste loss:
While some taste loss is caused by dental problems, the majority is caused by other health issues that affect the sense of smell.
If you suffer from gum disease (gingivitis) or inflammation of the salivary gland, these conditions can be treated and recurrence prevented with proper dental care.
Excessive dryness in the mouth can prevent taste molecules from being detected by the taste buds. Saliva makes it possible to chew and swallow, and it helps to prevent tooth decay and mouth infections.
Ill-fitting oral devices, such as dentures or braces, can lead to inflammation and infection, resulting in taste loss.
The nerve fibres for taste run along the same nerve as that for tongue sensation. When receiving anaesthesia for lower-jaw work, this nerve may be contacted by the needle, resulting in taste loss.
Certain dental problems, including gum disease, inflammation caused by oral appliances and infections in the mouth, may cause an alteration or loss of taste. If a health practitioner rules out medical reasons for a loss of taste and suggests the cause is dental, a dental professional can help.
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