Why stainless steel makes the perfect outdoor kitchen

December 22, 2014

When looking for the perfect kitchen cabinet to build that dream outdoor kitchen, homeowners should go with stainless steel cabinets due to their wondrous durability, simple installation and easy-to-maintain build.

Why stainless steel makes the perfect outdoor kitchen

Building an outdoor kitchen

Stainless steel cabinets are becoming a popular choice for kitchen renovations due to their durability in a kitchen. It seems like the obvious choice, but many homeowners still prefer wooden cabinets. Yes, they are visually more versatile because they come in many different kinds of designs and shapes. However, humid conditions and cooking chaos during those special occasions make wood cabinets vulnerable to damage.

Accidents can occur in the kitchen that scuff and ruin that beautiful finish on wood cabinets. Especially in an outdoor environment, where a majority of cooking is subject to high flames from the barbecue grill. So why take that chance? Here are a few reasons to choose stainless steel cabinets for your outdoor kitchen.


We can all agree that metal is a far more durable piece of material than wood.

  • Steel cabinets are a good choice in case of any malfunctions in the kitchen, particularly for that outdoor backyard kitchen. A grease fire is not an ideal cooking scenario for wooden cabinets.
  • Working in humid conditions makes wood cabinets vulnerable to peeling.
  • With steel cabinets, you’ll never run into that problem because the durability of steel can withstand more humid temperatures.


Repairing wood cabinets is a pain. They require re-facing, re-staining, or replacing door fronts when they get damaged.

  • Alternatively, steel cabinets are an easy installation and do not need adjustments to maintain a uniform look with the other cabinets. You just buy the cabinet and pop it in. This saves on cost and time.
  • In addition, a majority of steel cabinets come already assembled, so all you have to do is screw it into your wall.


Wooden cabinets will need to be sanded, revarnished, or repainted every now and then. Depending on weather and cooking conditions, this may need to be done more often that you might like.

  • Stainless steel cabinets, on the other hand, don't require any maintenance like this. They're a one-shot deal that will save you both time and money down the road.
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