“Ever since I was young, I’ve been able to work with energy and see auras. I really started to really come into my own in my late teens and early 20s,” says Megan Maguire, the creator and owner of Fallen Angel Creations from Above. Since 2012, Megan has been providing people with a tranquil space that allows them an escape from everyday life.
“There’s a lot of angelic vibrations here, so it’s very peaceful and calming, and the energy of the crystals is definitely felt by everyone,” says Megan. “It’s pretty beautiful. A lot of people who come in are quite speechless. They love the space and the energy of it. It’s a feeling that you don’t get when you are in other places. I get a lot of 'wow's.”
The desire and ability to help people has always been second nature to Megan. In addition to offering such a unique space, she employs a number of natural healing techniques to enlighten, empower, and help people follow their intuition.