Ola Puppy Dog Grooming & Daycare
107-19705 56 Ave, Langley, BC V3A 3X7
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Meet the owner

At Ola Puppy Dog Grooming & Doggie Daycare, dogs get everything they need from a team of passionate and trained specialists led by owners Dawn and Derek Lutz. Dawn started the business as a continuation of her long career in the dog-grooming industry. She had always wanted to follow her mother's footsteps as a pet groomer and had owned two grooming businesses prior to opening this one.

In the early days of the business, Derek, Dawn's husband, would help out when there were big dogs around, but he soon fell in love with the job and now manages during much of his time. Derek is in charge of the doggie daycare, while Dawn covers the grooming side of the business.

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