“In this day and age when we are so outwardly focused, anything that helps people become more aware of themselves is just so valuable, like yoga and meditation,” says Joni Cook, owner of Intune Shiatsu. “But there is just something about having a practitioner there to guide you into your innermost world – it’s a real missing component in our hyper culture.”
A practitioner of shiatsu since 1998, Joni Cooke finds it is still a very misunderstood art. “It’s too bad, I really believe very strongly that shiatsu can offer what acupuncture offers in terms of the deep rebalancing, but it has the element of the human touch. Would you rather receive a steel needle or a human touch?” asks Joni, who explains that shiatsu re-tunes the organs and through a holistic approach maintains preventative wellness within the body, mind and soul.
“It’s a very deep healing mobility and a very intrinsic and sophisticated way for people to learn about themselves and feel themselves.”