21 Baldwin St, Toronto, ON M5T 1L1
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Appears in 2 Smart Lists

Editor’s Pick
Best ice cream in Toronto

Best ice cream in Toronto

Arctic Bites introduced Toronto to pollarolls, a Thai ice cream treat made right in front of you! The process starts with pouring cream onto custom made cold-plates that reach -20° C, and then ingredients are added, depending on the chosen flavour. Try Love at First Bite (strawberry), Your Morning Cup (coffee) or Cinnamon Toast Crunch!

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Toronto’s most epic frozen treats

Toronto’s most epic frozen treats

The beauty of living in Toronto is that you get to taste all sorts of international treats. Arctic Bites brings Thai-inspired ice cream to the 6. They pour cream onto -20-degree cold plates, adding ingredients, smoothing it out and thickening it as it freezes, then rolling it out into a bowl, and then (duh) topping it with more goodies. Serving up tempting flavours like cinnamon toast crunch, matcha, taro, mint chocolate Oreo, Thai iced tea, morning coffee, and so much more, this is certainly one worth heading to the Baldwin Village for.

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