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Business listings in College Sainte-Anne De Lachine presents complete business directory listings for in and about the College Sainte-Anne De Lachine, Quebec area. With the most extensive database of businesses anywhere in Canada, Yellow Pages is your first choice for search. If you live around College Sainte-Anne De Lachine, discover new user-reviewed companies local to you, with .
It’s hard to believe that this tasting event held in Old Montreal is already celebrating its 10th anniversary – a decade of deliciousness that is clearly a testament to its popularity! Held from January 5 to February 5, 2017, Happening Gourmand offers excellent tables d’hôte menus ranging in price from $23 to $30. This year, nine restaurants are participating, so you have plenty to choose from. [image credit: iStock]
Montréal en Lumière is back for its 18th edition, this time shining the spotlight on the French city of Lyon - one of the world’s premier culinary destinations. A slew of gastronomic events satisfying all tastes, occasions and budgets is slated to kick off on February 23rd. If you feel overwhelmed by the multitude of choices, our curated list is here to help you out. Hurry, some events have already sold out. [Image: iStock]
Looking for a great place to enjoy the big game and chow down? Here are Montreal’s top spots to kick back and watch some hockey, baseball, even the Super Bowl, with a side of mouth-watering chicken wings ready to go! [image credit: iStock]