2 easy ways to make cottage cheese at home

July 29, 2015

Cottage cheese is a favourite in most households as it pairs perfectly with fruit and salads. Not only is it delicious and nutritious, it's very simple to make when you follow these simple tips.

2 easy ways to make cottage cheese at home

Small-curd sharp cottage cheese

The key to success in making both small-curd and large-curd cottage cheese is to warm the curds gently and gradually. Small-curd cheese is made by allowing the milk to coagulate without the use of rennet.

  1. Gently heat five litres (five quarts) of pasteurized skim milk to a setting temperature of 25°C (77°F) and add 550 to 750 millilitres (2 1/4 to three cups) of freshly made cultured buttermilk.
  2. Stir thoroughly.
  3. Cover the milk and allow it to stand undisturbed for 16 to 24 hours, until it coagulates.
  4. Do not let the temperature drop below 22°C (72°F) as this will slow the process and may increase bacterial growth.
  5. When the milk has coagulated, cut the curds into cubes of roughly five millimetres (one teaspoon), mix and allow to rest for 10 minutes. Then very slowly raise the temperature to 40°C (104°F) (allow 30 to 35 minutes for this), stirring very gently at intervals.
  6. Continue to cook at 40°C (104°F) for 20 to 40 minutes or until the curds feel firm. The curds should not stick together when squeezed and should appear dry and granular.
  7. If necessary, raise the temperature as high as 49°C (120°F), but no hotter.
  8. When the curds are cooked, drain and rinse them.
  9. Add five millilitres (one teaspoon) of salt for every 500 grams (two cups) of curd.
  10. For a creamed cottage cheese, stir through 60 to 90 millilitres (four to six tablespoons) of light sour cream.
  11. Spoon into containers and refrigerate.
  12. Use within two to three weeks.

Large-curd sweet cottage cheese

Large-curd sweet cottage cheese is made with rennet.

  1. Use a pot to heat five litres (five quarts) of pasteurized skim milk to about 32°C (90°F) and add 10 millilitres (two teaspoons) of starter, prepared according to supplier's instructions. (Or use 275 millilitres, or 1 1/4 cups, of freshly made cultured buttermilk.)
  2. Dilute 1 1/4 to two drops of rennet in five drops of cool, boiled water and pour in immediately, stirring the milk continuously.
  3. Allow the milk to coagulate for 14 to 16 hours.
  4. Cut the curd into one centimetre (half inch) cubes, allow them to rest in the whey for 10 minutes, then very slowly raise the temperature to around 43°C (109°F) (this should take 20 to 25 minutes).
  5. Test as for small-curd cottage cheese and raise the temperature as high as 49°C (120°F) if the curds are not ready.
  6. Drain, rinse and cream as for small-curd cottage cheese.


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