Delicious substitutes for nut allergy sufferers

November 14, 2014

Those who suffer from nut allergies often miss out on delicious culinary concoctions. Fortunately, there are some great substitutes to enjoy instead.

Delicious substitutes for nut allergy sufferers

Peanut butter substitutes

Those with nut allergies might miss peanut butter the most. Luckily, there are some tasty butters that can be enjoyed.

Sunflower butter: Sunflower butter tastes very similar to peanut butter. It's still important to ensure peanuts were not used to make the product.

Soy butter: Soy butter is another excellent substitute for peanut butter. Many people prefer the taste of sunflower butter over its soy counterpart, but soy butter also comes in different flavours, so you have many choices.

Mixed nut substitues

For those whose allergies prevent them from just sitting back in front of the television and enjoying a snack of mixed nuts, sunflower seeds offer a great alternative.

  • Just as is the case with sunflower butter, this seed provides a safe, delicious alternative for those with nut allergies.
  • Additionally, it provides that "crunchy" snack sensation that those without nut allergies are able to enjoy all the time.

Candy bar substitutes

Some of the best candy bars in production are not safe for those with allergies because they contain nuts.

  • Some of the most healthy substitutes are granola bars.
  • There are a lot of plain milk chocolate bars that don't contain nuts, just be sure to check the label carefully.

Dietary needs

For those looking to fulfil the dietary needs lost through the inability to consume nuts, there are a host of options.

  • To replace fibre and protein, lentils and beans are great options.
  • For those who are missing out on the healthy fats provided by nuts, avocado, canola oil and flax seeds are common replacements.

Food allergies are often annoying or frustrating, but by finding some delicious substitutes, you don't have to hinder your diet or your enjoyment of food.

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