Pills, pills, pills! They have side effects and focusing on pills too much can lead you to miss out on natural remedies that are just as beneficial with less risk. They're worth a try, especially if you don't want to be on meds long-term.
October 9, 2015
Pills, pills, pills! They have side effects and focusing on pills too much can lead you to miss out on natural remedies that are just as beneficial with less risk. They're worth a try, especially if you don't want to be on meds long-term.
Even over-the-counter (OTC) medications have side effects that patients might not always fully appreciate.
Even prescription NSAIDs aren't risk-free.
Some doctors are also hesitant to use the big-gun opioid (narcotic) drugs, including morphine and oxycodone, because of the increasing amount of drug abuse and illegal drug sales.
It's not only the side effects and potential abuse that have made the medical community think carefully about pain meds. It's a quality-of-life issue, too.
There are cases where people rate their pain as a ten out of ten, take medications, and the rating goes down to one.
The fact is that medications on their own are unlikely to eradicate pain.
The question is, how much risk do you want to take? You should talk to your doctor and together, choose the therapy that's the most effective with the least amount of risk.
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