Why do I have to pee so much lately?

August 4, 2014

Although the question is really simple: "Why do I have to pee so much lately?" The answer, however, isn't always straightforward. So what's causing your frequent need to urinate?

Why do I have to pee so much lately?

Let’s start from the beginning: It’s normal for adults to pee six to eight times during the day and once at night. Peeing helps us to eliminate between one and two litres of urine a day. Of course, if you drink a lot of water, naturally you’ll go to the bathroom more often to eliminate all those fluids.

Enough is enough!

Now, if that profile sounds nothing like your situation, even though you don’t drink any more water than other adults, then your question remains...

Ageing or disease: the facts

Here are the most common causes behind the frequent need to urinate:

Urgent urination

  • This problem is characterized by a need to urinate more than eight times during the day and twice at night, along with a feeling of urgency and difficulty in retaining urine.
  • Age may be a factor for both men and women.
  • With the ageing of the body, the bladder loses its capacity to retain urine.
  • Treatments are available to counter this situation.

Benign enlargement of the prostate

  • Age can also account for an enlarged prostate that prevents the bladder from emptying completely.
  • This condition, usually referred to as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), may drive some men to urinate more frequently.
  • It is believed to be a normal part of the aging process in men.


  • Another possible explanation as to why you may have to pee so much lately is diabetes.
  • In fact, intense thirst and a frequent need to urinate are often experienced by people who don’t know they have diabetes or hyperglycemia.
  • If this description corresponds to your situation get in touch with your medical doctor immediately, as almost anyone is at risk for diabetes.

Urinary tract infection

  • In this case, a frequent need to urinate may be accompanied by sharp pain during voiding.
  • Bacteria or a virus may be responsible for this irritation and inflammation of the bladder wall.
  • In the presence of these symptoms, it is essential that you see a doctor as soon as possible if you suspect a bladder or urinary tract infection.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

  • Certain STDs can cause an inflammation of the bladder’s mucous lining. This may translate into a more frequent need to urinate.
  • Sometimes it is accompanied by a burning sensation, blood in the urine or itching.
  • A medical consultation will be required as an untreated STD could potentially develop into something more serious.

Consult a health professional

After reading about all of these possibilities, you're still unsure why you've been peeing so much lately, make an appointment with your doctor to get a clearer picture.

  • Although the list of potential reasons includes the most common, it isn't exhaustive. Only a doctor can help you get to the root of what is causing the issue.
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