They claim they have furniture made in Canada, yet the chairs we bought. then returned came from some assembly line in China. They tried to prove me wrong that there was nothing wrong with the chairs. But let me ask you this. when you put furniture together shouldn't everything fit plum and true? They don't think so. When you bring it to there attention they start to yell at you.
When the purchase was made, it was clearly explained to the customer about the origin of those chairs. To compare, Canadian made product was also shown which was obviously more expensive. Customer choose to go inexpensive way. When the good were picked up, the same explanation was repeated. The customer was unable to put the product together. Assistance was offered but denied by the customer. All they wanted, was their money back. Owner of business was also approached as the management tried to solve the issue by offering different options. At no point the management yelled at anyone. To end the dispute, 100% money was refunded back to the customer, keeping NO re-stocking fees as per the contract signed by the customer...
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