Esri, TomTom, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, © OpenStreetMap
8 Broadway E, Vancouver, BC V5T 1V6
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Meet the owner

“We wanted to create a different environment than you would normally have in a bike shop,” says Karen, co-owner of On the Rivet Cyclewear, “a separate space that didn’t have greasy bikes and mechanics with greasy hands in the same place as someone trying on clothing in a change room and trying to decide whether or not their bum looks fat in it.”

On the Rivet Cyclewear is dedicated to helping customers find the right clothing to help them ride more comfortably, efficiently and with style, providing an environment more conducive to shopping for clothes than a typical equipment-focused bicycle shop.

“We work with people,” Karen explains, “to make sure that everything they’re buying is not only suited to their purpose, but is fitted properly as well.” With no bicycles to sell or maintain, Karen thrives at outfitting cyclists, able to focus all her attention on finding each customer the clothing they want in the fit they need. She’s an expert at cycling apparel, and has adjusted her focus accordingly.

“It’s just a different vibe,” she says, “it looks and feels more like an apparel store than a bike shop.”

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