We are here to help you with your Social Expression wishes. We have the finest selection of Greeting Cards and Gifting products. We have the friendliest sales professionals to help you find a card or gift most appropriate for your occasion. We can suggest cards and gifts to compliment any gesture you would like to make to friends and family.
Harold Wyman founded Davis Agency in 1945. The first store was on Sparks Street in Ottawa followed shortly by Billings Bridge and Carlingwood. Davis Agency was originally a magazine subscription business. The company added several major product lines over the years including record albums, greeting cards, jewelry, floral products, fine pens and small leather goods. Magazine subscriptions are no longer in the product line but all of the other items, in one form or another are still offered.
Most of the stores traded under the name The Davis Agency until the late 90s and early 2000s when the stores were rebranded to Hallmark stores.
What is our Future?
Davis Agency will continue its strong base of Hallmark products. We will continue to scour the trade shows, trade publications and supplier representatives to be on the leading edge of new products. Our customers will have the opportunity to be known for innovative gifts to friends, family and themselves. Their gifts and cards will be sincere, tasteful and capture the right sentiment.
Stop into a Davis Agency Hallmark store. We’ll help you find the perfect thing.more...See more text